Cleaning Tips For Beginners: How To Disinfect Your Apartment - ToTheWknd
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Cleaning Tips For Beginners: How To Disinfect Your Apartment

Photo by Retha Ferguson


Cleaning Tips For Beginners: How To Disinfect Your Apartment



Going outside and living your life means that eventually, you’ll get dirty, and so will your apartment. After all, viruses live in the air, and dust is all around us. You have the power to combat any virus by cleaning and disinfecting your apartment before the virus settles in your apartment.

But you don’t really know how to that, do you? It’s okay! We bring you the solution with these helpful cleaning tips for beginners who want to disinfect their apartment and don’t know how to do it.

Before The Cleaning

Take A Picture

Do it like a professional.

Taking a picture and watching it can give a perspective on things that don’t belong in the scene, like a towel in the middle of the dining table or a pair of shoes in the kitchen.

Also, If you’re going to clean things up, then you’re going to need to move them from one place to the other a lot. And that means that you’ll probably forget the order of things. Take a picture before you start getting into action.

Make A Checklist Of The Things You’ll Need

There are elements that can never miss when you clean your stuff, those are:

Baking soda
Rubber gloves
Glass cleaner
Disinfecting cleaners
Distilled white vinegar
Paper towels
Toilet bowl brush
Vacuum cleaner

Once you have all of these you can begin your disinfecting duty.

Make A Plan

You can make a plan in your head about what spaces you should clean more profoundly or which room you should clean first. Hint: you should always start with the kitchen since it’s probably the dirtiest place. You don’t have to clean it all in one day, but you can make a plan to work more efficiently.

During The Cleaning

Pick Up Everything That Needs To Be Picked Up

This means any clothes, shoes, towels, or anything that might be out of place in any given room. You need to begin by putting things in order before you start disinfecting. You can take a quick walk into every room and organize all your stuff, grab mugs, dishes, electronic appliances and put everything that’s not in the right order back into order.

Be Tough On Grease

Put some gloves and get into action. The kitchen is a very greasy area, so be sure to scrub hard everything there with your sponge, disinfecting cleaners and vinegar. You need to be patient, grease is hard to eliminate, so be sure to buy good products. Adding a little bit of baking soda can help you fight grease better.

Baking Soda Is Your Best Friend

You won’t believe the possibilities of baking soda. It’s an everyday item that helps eliminate bacteria from any surface or place. So this a good solution to clean toothbrushes, kitchen elements, the oven, the sink, and even the toilet.

Just let it sit for a couple of minutes after the heavy cleaning to disinfect from germs and bacteria.

You can clean the floors, deodorize your garbage cans, absorb toilet odors, deodorize your fridge, clean your microwave and so much more!

Hot Water Is Your Second Best Friend

Boil some water to help you disinfect easily. Pour it down the sink, the toilet, the dishwasher and any place you can have the water running because usually these places get filled with bacteria.

Toss a lemon peel in the sink’s garbage disposal and run it with hot water to help eliminate any bad odors it might have.

Don’t Forget About The Mirrors

Use a clean cloth and a cleaning spray to bring the life back into your mirrors. Disinfect the area by using baking soda for a better result. Use newspaper to clean the mirrors since it won’t leave lint behind.

Wipe All Surfaces

You can use disinfecting wipes and a clean moth to quickly and effectively get rid of germs and bacteria on surfaces. This includes the kitchen counter, the tables, and pretty much everywhere else.

Dust Is There Too

Shake and straighten the curtains to get rid of dust. Grab the vacuum and clean the floors. Make your bed, freshen your pillows and change the sheets. You can light some scented candles after you’ve finished, to bring a delightful smell into the atmosphere.

After The Cleaning

After you’re done moping, sweeping, cleaning, scrubbing, and disinfecting you need to put things back to their original place or if you feel a little more creative you can rearrange your furniture to have a bigger sense of order in your house.

After all, this furniture is what gives life to the place, and when they’re clean and in order, so are you. But if you feel that your current place is out of sync or you feel you could use a different style then there is a solution.

American Art Decor is the place for you to find perfect and new furniture to create your ideal spaces. From mirrors to lightings, to wall decor. These elements will surely bring life back to your newly disinfected place.

Disinfecting and cleaning your apartment is a must. Whether you have guests coming, or if you haven’t cleaned in a while, it’s always necessary to clean after a certain amount of time to bring the life back. And we can assure you, there’s nothing more satisfying than cleaning your apartment and going to bed feeling in a sacred and clean space.


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