The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss
(Shout out to you for taking the first step to losing weight. We see you! ^_^)
How to lose weight for good
- Eat well-balanced whole food plant-based meals and snacks.
- For 21 days heal your brain and body by flooding them with nutrients to remove
false cravings and hunger. Habitual thoughts create strong neurochemical bridges in
our brains. Your new way of eating will dislodge habitual thoughts and rewire your brain for lifelong
easy positive eating habits.
- Set yourself up for success by removing temptation and planning your meals and
snacks. Birds of a feather flock together. Surround yourself with foods that heal you and support your effort.
Clean out your cupboards, and try to ditch processed snacks, Margaritas, and chips for a month.
- Expect a lot of whining from your inner child.
- Drink 2 glasses of water before meals. This simple act increases your weight loss by 22%!
- Plan your meals. Write down the meals and snacks you are going to eat at night for the next day. Or for a week ahead of time. Major pain at first- but is your ticket to freedom.
- Stop eating after dinner. No late-night snacking. Don’t worry no one died from hunger in the 12-14 hours between dinner and breakfast. Your brain and body and waistline will thank you.
Goodbye Meal Prep and Frozen Food. Put Your Healthy Eating on Autopilot! No commitment